My name is Vincent Boucher-Thouveny and I am from Nice, France.
I am a Computer Science engineer.
I possess a diverse skillset encompassing both web, mobile app development and design. My experience includes working on a variety of projects with diverse teams, utilizing various programming languages.
My fascination with computers began in childhood, driven by their inherent simplicity of use coupled with the immense potential they offer
My academic and professional journey has presented numerous challenges across diverse projects and teams, fostering my leadership and communication skills.
Due to the wide range of skills I have acquired through my formation, I can adapt to all kinds of projects and help you out.
Offer my services and make the world a better place is my purpose on Earth, so let's start now.
I love creating as much as I love working on someone else's work and improve it.
200% Efficiency, there is no time to waste, I can work under the pressure as I can work in the calm too.
When I see new technologies, I envision projects in my mind and cannot stop creating new stuff.
I love computer science, I want to be part of it and make people happy with technology, this is the future of our lives.
Develop React dashboard with useful metrics
Use of NextJS 15 for performance
Mastering of GraphqQL, GRPC, Jest, Storybook
Pixel perfect integration from Figma / Axure designs
Develop React live chat with many modules
Use of custom framework based on React
Mastering of GraphqQL, Jest, Storybook
Pixel perfect integration from InVision designs
Develop React websites and React Native applications
Use of React-specific frameworks such as Gatsby or NextJS to enhance SEO and response time
Mastering of Redux, Redux Saga, JSX, ESLint
Pixel perfect integration from Figma / Sketch designs
One year apprenticeship as part of the formation during the engineering school Polytech Nice.
Fullstack creation of a Duty of Care alert system for cooporations using Java EE + Spring and Angular 5 + AngularJS.
Employed for a month at Sharingbox as a web developer for many purposes and tasks.
Animated as the master of ceremonies at the home of the Rothschild school centre of Nice (1 month) for an internship that allowed me to validate my BAFA training.
Animated as the master of ceremonies at the home of the Baumettes school centre in Nice (1 month) for an internship through which I could implement what I learned during my training and understand through children and colleagues the work of animator and the qualities that it requires.
Diploma of CS engineering at the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
Studied at the University Institute of Technology of Nice. I learnt many programming methods, languages and patterns. Participated in many projects in class and led many of them.
Studied engineering at Polytech'Nice. This is where I have discovered computer science was my passion.
basicyears of experience
personal projects
public repo contributions
coffee breaks
Feel free to contact me or leave a message if you think you may need my services.